I went to a meeting today. The room was packed. Every chair was taken. There was a Newbie there. Fear and desperation in their eyes. Trying to hide in the crowd.
I went to a meeting today. The room was packed. Every chair was taken. The Newbie was there. Under the fear and desperation, I saw a spark of hope. They leaned in more to listen.
I went to a meeting today. The room was packed. Every chair was taken. The Newbie was there. They had a smile on their face. There was hope in their eyes.
I went to a meeting today. The room was packed. Every chair was taken. The Newbie was there. They opened up and shared. Notes of hope coming out of the pain they felt.
I went to a meeting today. The room was packed. There was one empty chair. The Newbie wasn’t there. The rest of the group had tear stained eyes. Our common demon had claimed another loved one.
I went to a meeting today. The room was packed. Every chair was taken. I went to the back of the room and got another chair. I placed it in the middle of the group.
“This EMPTY CHAIR is for the addict that is still out there struggling and for the addict that died today.”
-Rick M.